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FAMOUS FROSTY BUG   Suggest Change

Born: 05-05-2010     Sire: BUG IN MY FROSTY     Mother: GABARDINE FAME    Owner: BRITTANY FELLOWS    Breeder: JUD LITTLE

Total prize collected: $ 1,910.00 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
ASHTON OTTLEY15.01649 Barrel Race - Open 4D #2$1000 Added Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/07/2019$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.0167 Barrel Race - Youth 3D #2$1000 Added Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/07/2019$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.51787 Barrel Race - Open 4D #1$1000 Added Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/07/2019$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.51715 Barrel Race - Youth 3D #1$1000 Added Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/07/2019$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY916.5550 Barrel Race - Open 4D$1200 Added Jessica Schreiber Memorial Barrel Race 10/17/2020$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY916.5550 Barrel Race - Youth 4D$1200 Added Jessica Schreiber Memorial Barrel Race 10/17/2020$ 0.00
PETE OEN16.262288 Barrel Race - Open 5D Barrel Race Go 22017 BBR World Finals 04/30/2017$ 0.00
PETE OEN15.84597 Barrel Race - Open 5D Barrel Race Go 12017 BBR World Finals 04/30/2017$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY14.17510 Barrel Race - 4D Open Saturday2020 FAB Tour - NFR Series Race 11/08/2020$ 235.00
ASHTON OTTLEY14.37715 Barrel Race - 4D Open Friday2020 FAB Tour - NFR Series Race 11/08/2020$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY14.3521 Barrel Race - 4D Open Sunday2020 FAB Tour - NFR Series Race 11/08/2020$ 560.00
ASHTON OTTLEY18.185120 Barrel Race - Open 4D SundayBarrel Bash Guthrie 04/11/2021$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY16.02833 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayBarrel Bash Hutchinson 2024 03/17/2024$ 0.00
PETE OEN16.03436 Barrel Race - Juvenile Go 2Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/04/2013$ 0.00
JOLENE JONES16.27881 Barrel Race - Derby Go 1Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/07/2015$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY16.3774 Barrel Race - Open 4DBeat The Heat Summer Series - Race #2 06/25/2019$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY16.3771 Barrel Race - Youth 3DBeat The Heat Summer Series - Race #2 06/25/2019$ 51.00
JOLENE JONES16.481504 Barrel Race - Race 2 (Barn 6)Better Barrel Races World Finals 04/21/2016$ 0.00
JOLENE JONES16.5537 Barrel Race - Race 1 (Coliseum)Better Barrel Races World Finals 04/21/2016$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY16.37911 Barrel Race - Open 4DEnlow Productions Barrel Bash 02/13/2022$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY915.1340 Barrel Race - Open 4DKansas State Fair $1000 Added Barrel Race 09/11/2023$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY16.4277 Barrel Race - OpenMonday Madness 2023 Race #3 02/06/2023$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY16.295 Barrel Race - OpenMonday Madness 2023 Race #5 02/27/2023$ 91.00
ASHTON OTTLEY17.4975 Barrel Race - Open 4DMonday Night Lights Race #2 04/24/2023$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.7847 Barrel Race - Open 4DRock The Clock Series - Race #2 09/24/2019$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.7841 Barrel Race - Youth 3DRock The Clock Series - Race #2 09/24/2019$ 76.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.6171 Barrel Race - Youth 3DRock The Clock Series - Race #3 10/08/2019$ 81.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.6172 Barrel Race - Open 4DRock The Clock Series - Race #3 10/08/2019$ 153.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.7851 Barrel Race - Open 4DRock The Clock Series - Race #4 10/22/2019$ 193.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.7851 Barrel Race - Youth 3DRock The Clock Series - Race #4 10/22/2019$ 67.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.8488 Barrel Race - Open 4DRock The Clock Series - Race #5 11/19/2019$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.8482 Barrel Race - Youth 3DRock The Clock Series - Race #5 11/19/2019$ 64.00
ASHTON OTTLEY915.4830 Barrel Race - Youth 3DRock The Clock Series - Race #6 11/26/2019$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY915.4830 Barrel Race - Open 4DRock The Clock Series - Race #6 11/26/2019$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.772 Barrel Race - Open 4DRock The Clock Series - Race #7 12/03/2019$ 118.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.771 Barrel Race - Youth 3DRock The Clock Series - Race #7 12/03/2019$ 72.00
ASHTON OTTLEY16.0073 Barrel Race - Open 4DRock The Clock Series - Race #8 12/17/2019$ 62.00
ASHTON OTTLEY16.0072 Barrel Race - Youth 3DRock The Clock Series - Race #8 12/17/2019$ 39.00
ASHTON OTTLEY915.5180 Barrel Race - Open 4DShed Away Winter 2020 - Race #1 02/11/2020$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY915.5180 Barrel Race - Youth 3DShed Away Winter 2020 - Race #1 02/11/2020$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.8234 Barrel Race - Open 4DShed Away Winter 2020 - Race #2 02/18/2020$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY15.8232 Barrel Race - Youth 3DShed Away Winter 2020 - Race #2 02/18/2020$ 48.00
ASHTON OTTLEY915.8410 Barrel Race - Open 4DShed Away Winter 2020 - Race #4 03/10/2020$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY915.8410 Barrel Race - Youth 3DShed Away Winter 2020 - Race #4 03/10/2020$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY17.3728 Barrel Race - Open 4D SundayTwisted 2K Productions 05/16/2021$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY17.2175 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayTwisted 2K Productions 05/16/2021$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY16.7372 Barrel Race - Open 4D FridayTwisted 2K Productions 05/16/2021$ 0.00
ASHTON OTTLEY16.73322 Barrel Race - OpenWildhorse Winter Series 2023 #3 12/16/2023$ 0.00