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FAMES PIXIE PANTS   Suggest Change

Born: 09-15-1997     Owner: CHELSIE BROWNING

Total prize collected: $ 560.00 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD915.3490 Barrel Race - Open 4D #2$1000 Added Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/07/2019$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD18.5715 Barrel Race - Youth 3DLucky 7 Buckle Series - $1000 Added Finals 09/03/2019$ 38.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD915.4630 Barrel Race - Open 4DKingman Indoor Series - Race #6 01/12/2020$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD915.9370 Barrel Race - Youth 3DKingman Indoor Series - Race #2 11/10/2019$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD915.3490 Barrel Race - Youth 3D #2$1000 Added Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/07/2019$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD915.4630 Barrel Race - Youth 3DKingman Indoor Series - Race #6 01/12/2020$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD16.88772 Barrel Race - Open 5D$1350 Added Race for Hope 10/20/2019$ 155.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD16.211121 Barrel Race - Open 4D #1$1000 Added Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/07/2019$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD15.19815 Barrel Race - Open 4DKingman Indoor Series - Race #5 01/05/2020$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD16.88711 Barrel Race - Youth 3D$1350 Added Race for Hope 10/20/2019$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD15.35627 Barrel Race - Open 4DKingman Indoor Series - Race #8 02/16/2020$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD16.21129 Barrel Race - Youth 3D #1$1000 Added Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/07/2019$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD15.1985 Barrel Race - Youth 3DKingman Indoor Series - Race #5 01/05/2020$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD17.9927 Barrel Race - Youth 3D$1300 Added KS Diamonds in the Ruff Benefit Race 10/19/2019$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD15.3562 Barrel Race - Youth 3DKingman Indoor Series - Race #8 02/16/2020$ 30.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD15.51620 Barrel Race - Open 4DKingman Indoor Series - Race #3 12/01/2019$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD15.42212 Barrel Race - Open 4DKingman Indoor Series - Race #4 12/22/2019$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD17.73725 Barrel Race - Youth 4D$1800 Added Benefit Race for Jess 09/08/2019$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD15.54929 Barrel Race - Open 4DKingman Indoor Series - Race #7 02/02/2020$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD15.5165 Barrel Race - Youth 3DKingman Indoor Series - Race #3 12/01/2019$ 0.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD15.4221 Barrel Race - Youth 3DKingman Indoor Series - Race #4 12/22/2019$ 53.00
BILEIGH YOUNGBLOOD15.5495 Barrel Race - Youth 3DKingman Indoor Series - Race #7 02/02/2020$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD16.47835 Barrel Race - Open 4DFriday Summer Series - Race #2 05/14/2021$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD16.7526 Barrel Race - NBHA Youth 3D$250 Added B&B | $250 Added NBHA KS10 Jackpot 03/14/2021$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD1763 Barrel Race - Open 4D$500 Added Spring Is In The Air Barrel Race 04/17/2021$ 150.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD16.47819 Barrel Race - Youth 3DFriday Summer Series - Race #2 05/14/2021$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD16.7526 Barrel Race - BnB Youth 3D$250 Added B&B | $250 Added NBHA KS10 Jackpot 03/14/2021$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD1710 Barrel Race - Youth 3D$500 Added Spring Is In The Air Barrel Race 04/17/2021$ 18.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD17.1476 Barrel Race - NBHA Youth 3D$250 Added B&B | $250 Added NBHA KS10 Jackpot 05/02/2021$ 37.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD16.75229 Barrel Race - NBHA Open 4D$250 Added B&B | $250 Added NBHA KS10 Jackpot 03/14/2021$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD16.67356 Barrel Race - Open 4D$500 Added Grab Your Flannel Barrel Race 03/27/2021$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD17.1476 Barrel Race - BnB Youth 3D$250 Added B&B | $250 Added NBHA KS10 Jackpot 05/02/2021$ 32.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD15.78742 Barrel Race - Open 4D Session #2$1000 Added B&B Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/06/2020$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD16.67312 Barrel Race - Youth 3D$500 Added Grab Your Flannel Barrel Race 03/27/2021$ 25.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD17.14731 Barrel Race - NBHA Open 4D$250 Added B&B | $250 Added NBHA KS10 Jackpot 05/02/2021$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD15.78714 Barrel Race - Youth 3D Session #2$1000 Added B&B Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/06/2020$ 18.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD15.7221152 Barrel Race - Combined BonusBonus Race World Finals 2021 07/11/2021$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD916.9590 Barrel Race - Open 4DRun Away Winter 2021 - Race #4 03/16/2021$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD916.9530 Barrel Race - Open 4DFriday Summer Series - Race #1 04/23/2021$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD16.155120 Barrel Race - Open 4D Session #1$1000 Added B&B Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/06/2020$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD15.722213 Barrel Race - WED Bonus PMBonus Race World Finals 2021 07/11/2021$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD916.9590 Barrel Race - Youth 3DRun Away Winter 2021 - Race #4 03/16/2021$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD916.9530 Barrel Race - Youth 3DFriday Summer Series - Race #1 04/23/2021$ 0.00
CAYSON YOUNGBLOOD16.15533 Barrel Race - Youth 3D Session #1$1000 Added B&B Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/06/2020$ 0.00
CHELSIE WRIGHT918.1980 Barrel Race - Open 4DHope In The Valley Friday Barrel Series - Race #3 06/12/2020$ 0.00
CHELSIE WRIGHT16.56847 Barrel Race - Open 4D$1800 Added Benefit Race for Jess 09/08/2019$ 0.00
CHELSIE WRIGHT15.69724 Barrel Race - Open 4DKingman Indoor Series - Race #2 11/10/2019$ 0.00
KYLAR WRIGHT142.5240 Barrel Race - PeeweeHope In The Valley Friday Barrel Series - Race #1 05/29/2020$ 4.00