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Born: 01-01-2007     Owner: MEGANN FINLEY

Total prize collected: $ 422.71 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
ALLISON MCRAE73.3662 Barrel Race - Peewee SaturdayCentral State Classic The Hundo 11/16/2024$ 0.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN17.1095 Barrel Race - Youth Novice SAT 2024 POWERHOUSE BIG MONEY RUN 11/03/2024$ 23.71
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN17.16426 Barrel Race - Open 4D Reflections Weeknight Jackpots 12/04/2024$ 0.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN19.73939 Barrel Race - Open 5DICRP $250 Shafers Outdoor Arena 2024 09/15/2024$ 120.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN17.1433 Barrel Race - Youth Novice FRI2024 POWERHOUSE BIG MONEY RUN 11/03/2024$ 0.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN16.69463 Barrel Race - Late Open SunICRP Wings & Waffles $3500 Added Barrel Race 12/08/2024$ 0.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN18.7886 Barrel Race - YouthMadison County Jack Pot Barrel Race 10/04/2024$ 87.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN917.0360 Barrel Race - Open 5D SaturdayCentral State Classic The Hundo 11/16/2024$ 0.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN17.30152 Barrel Race - Open Late SunICRP $1200 Holiday Hustle Jackpot Valentines Day 02/02/2025$ 0.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN16.9872 Barrel Race - Novice 3D Reflections Weeknight Jackpots 10/02/2024$ 0.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN917.0360 Barrel Race - The HundoCentral State Classic The Hundo 11/16/2024$ 0.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN917.2020 Barrel Race - Open 4D Reflections Weeknight Jackpots 01/02/2025$ 0.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN99.999160 Barrel Race - Open 5D FRIICRP $6100 Prom Night/H. Stakes/Hallie Legacy Week 09/22/2024$ 0.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN99.9999 Barrel Race - Novice 3D Reflections Weeknight Jackpots 01/02/2025$ 0.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN16.965146 Barrel Race - Open 5D SUNICRP $6100 Prom Night/H. Stakes/Hallie Legacy Week 09/22/2024$ 192.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN16.161 Barrel Race - Open 5D FridayCentral State Classic The Hundo 11/16/2024$ 0.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN16.55345 Barrel Race - Open 4D One Last Jackpot 12/27/2024$ 0.00
LINLEY SCHUENEMANN91.614144 Barrel Race - Prom Dress Race FRIICRP $6100 Prom Night/H. Stakes/Hallie Legacy Week 09/22/2024$ 0.00