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BRANDI REED   Suggest Change

Born: 08-10-2017     Owner: WHITNEY REED

Total prize collected: $ 0.00

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
MORGAN BRAND26.45316 Poles - OpenPop Into Sports Benefit- $2500 Added! 05/18/2024$ 0.00
MORGAN BRAND19.19121 Barrel Race - Youth 4DBeat The Heat Series 2024 #3 06/11/2024$ 0.00
MORGAN BRAND21.65725 Barrel Race - Youth 4DPop Into Sports Benefit- $2500 Added! 05/18/2024$ 0.00
MORGAN BRAND20.128 Barrel Race - Youth 4DBeat The Heat Series 2024 #6 07/16/2024$ 0.00