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Horse Profile

LARAMIE JONES   Suggest Change

Born: 05-01-2018     Owner: GENTRY JONES

Total prize collected: $ 7.00 Just prized runs

Filter by year:

Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
AMANDA JONES99.99946 Barrel Race - Adult 3DICRP Grit and Glam 2024 #7 08/11/2024$ 0.00
GENTRY JONES27.69216 Barrel Race - PeeweeICRP Grit and Glam 2024 #5 07/27/2024$ 1.00
GENTRY JONES34.28318 Barrel Race - Peewee1st Annual Teresa Ferguson Mem. Race 06/29/2024$ 0.00
GENTRY JONES27.52811 Barrel Race - PeeweeICRP Grit and Glam 2024 #4 06/08/2024$ 6.00
GENTRY JONES44.757 Poles - Peewee Rockin A Arena 2024-2025 Buckle Series #1 09/14/2024$ 0.00