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OLE MAN FRENCH   Suggest Change

Born: 01-01-2018     Owner: MARK GORDON

Total prize collected: $ 686.70 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
ADRIA GORDON15.618102 Barrel Race - Open 5D SUN9th Annual BBB $9,000 ADDED 08/04/2024$ 0.00
ADRIA GORDON15.869131 Barrel Race - Open 5D SAT9th Annual BBB $9,000 ADDED 08/04/2024$ 228.00
ADRIA GORDON16.112122 Barrel Race - Open 5D FRI9th Annual BBB $9,000 ADDED 08/04/2024$ 0.00
ADRIA GORDON16.76195 Barrel Race - Open 4D SundayBarrel Bash Springfield 2024 09/01/2024$ 152.00
ADRIA GORDON16.76121 Barrel Race - Youth 3D SundayBarrel Bash Springfield 2024 09/01/2024$ 0.00
ADRIA GORDON16.206115 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayBarrel Bash Springfield 2024 09/01/2024$ 0.00
ADRIA GORDON16.20625 Barrel Race - Youth 3D SaturdayBarrel Bash Springfield 2024 09/01/2024$ 106.00
ADRIA GORDON15.14619 Barrel Race - 12 and Under 4DBRWF Barrel Race 2024 06/16/2024$ 200.70
ADRIA GORDON15.517191 Barrel Race - SAT OE BonusBRWF Barrel Race 2024 06/16/2024$ 0.00
ADRIA GORDON17.495158 Barrel Race - SAT OpenBRWF Barrel Race 2024 06/16/2024$ 0.00
ADRIA GORDON15.517875 Barrel Race - Combined BonusBRWF Barrel Race 2024 06/16/2024$ 0.00
ADRIA GORDON17.495842 Barrel Race - Combined OpenBRWF Barrel Race 2024 06/16/2024$ 0.00
ADRIA GORDON17.495146 Barrel Race - Combined YouthBRWF Barrel Race 2024 06/16/2024$ 0.00
ADRIA GORDON15.90781 Barrel Race - Open 5D SUNCarnival of Cans 2024 09/08/2024$ 0.00
ADRIA GORDON16.575191 Barrel Race - Open 5D SATCarnival of Cans 2024 09/08/2024$ 0.00