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EZ FRENCH KISS   Suggest Change

Born: 04-12-2006     Owner: KENNETH NAEGER

Total prize collected: $ 454.00 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
KINLEY CASTILAW17.6332 Barrel Race - Peewee SaturdayCentral States Classic 2024 08/17/2024$ 20.00
KINLEY CASTILAW17.7851 Barrel Race - Peewee FridayCentral States Classic 2024 08/17/2024$ 35.00
KINLEY CASTILAW20.410 Barrel Race - Peewee SUNMissouri Classic Show 2024 05/12/2024$ 10.00
KINLEY CASTILAW23.1328 Barrel Race - Peewee SATMissouri Classic Show 2024 05/12/2024$ 10.00
KINLEY CASTILAW22.82211 Barrel Race - Peewee FRIMissouri Classic Show 2024 05/12/2024$ 10.00
KINLEY CASTILAW17.8922 Barrel Race - Peewee SATICRP The Perfect Pairing $7500 Added Barrel Race 04/07/2024$ 15.00
KINLEY CASTILAW17.1692 Barrel Race - Peewee FRIICRP The Perfect Pairing $7500 Added Barrel Race 04/07/2024$ 14.00
KINLEY CASTILAW18.041 Barrel Race - Peewee FRIICRP $7500 The Break Out 2024 03/17/2024$ 31.00
KINLEY CASTILAW17.4181 Barrel Race - Peewee SUNICRP $7500 The Break Out 2024 03/17/2024$ 24.00
KINLEY CASTILAW17.2193 Barrel Race - Peewee SATICRP $7500 The Break Out 2024 03/17/2024$ 12.00
KINLEY CASTILAW17.5691 Barrel Race - Peewee SATICRP $5000 added Retro Race 12/03/2023$ 13.00
KINLEY CASTILAW17.6221 Barrel Race - Peewee FRIICRP $5000 added Retro Race 12/03/2023$ 10.00
KINLEY CASTILAW18.2372 Barrel Race - Peewee SATTurkey Trot Barrel Race 2023 11/26/2023$ 25.00
KINLEY CASTILAW18.4332 Barrel Race - Peewee FRIReflections Race #4 11/19/2023$ 20.00
KINLEY CASTILAW17.6542 Barrel Race - Peewee SUNReflections Race #4 11/19/2023$ 20.00
KINLEY CASTILAW99.99912 Barrel Race - Peewee SATReflections Race #4 11/19/2023$ 5.00
KINLEY CASTILAW17.5033 Barrel Race - Peewee SUNPowerHouse Reflections 2023 11/05/2023$ 20.00
KINLEY CASTILAW17.1522 Barrel Race - Peewee SATPowerHouse Reflections 2023 11/05/2023$ 25.00
KINLEY CASTILAW16.9692 Barrel Race - Peewee FRIPowerHouse Reflections 2023 11/05/2023$ 25.00
KINLEY CASTILAW17.9611 Barrel Race - Peewee THUPowerHouse Reflections 2023 11/05/2023$ 20.00
KINLEY CASTILAW18.2843 Barrel Race - Peewee FRIReflections Race #3 10/15/2023$ 15.00
KINLEY CASTILAW17.672 Barrel Race - Peewee SUNReflections Race #3 10/15/2023$ 20.00
KINLEY CASTILAW20.1223 Barrel Race - Peewee SUNReflections Race 08/27/2023$ 15.00
KINLEY CASTILAW20.6953 Barrel Race - Peewee SATReflections Race 08/27/2023$ 20.00
KINLEY CASTILAW18.6212 Barrel Race - Peewee FRIReflections Race 08/27/2023$ 20.00