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Born: 05-09-2007     Sire: BILL COLE     Mother: THATSALLSHEWROTE    Owner: x

Total prize collected: $ 6,103.75 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
RAYLENE COX15.5560 Barrel Race - Qualifying Race 12021 BBR World Finals 04/23/2021$ 837.00
RAYLENE COX16.673122 Barrel Race - Futurity Go 2Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/06/2011$ 0.00
RAYLENE COX16.06743 Barrel Race - Derby Go 2Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/05/2012$ 0.00
RAYLENE COX16.015163 Barrel Race - Race 2 (Barn 6)Better Barrel Races World Finals 04/21/2016$ 0.00
RAYLENE COX15.918138 Barrel Race - Race 1 (Coliseum)Better Barrel Races World Finals 04/21/2016$ 0.00
RAYLENE COX15.7630 Barrel Race - Sunday SeniorBRAT Race #9 02/13/2022$ 78.75
RAYLENE COX15.9730 Barrel Race - Sunday OpenCTBRA Season Opener 01/29/2022$ 324.00
RAYLENE COX15.9730 Barrel Race - Saturday YouthCTBRA Season Opener 01/29/2022$ 403.00
RAYLENE COX16.2610 Barrel Race - Super 5D Weekend Inc.Lone Star Shootout Barrel Race & Futurity 01/20/2022$ 404.00
RAYLENE COX15.9284 Barrel Race - Open 4D QualifierRevolution Barrel Racing 03/25/2018$ 918.00
RAYLENE COX15.51730 Barrel Race - Open 4D QualifierRevolution Barrel Racing 02/11/2018$ 2,750.00
RAYLENE COX15.9271 Barrel Race - Warm Up Senior IncentiveRevolution Barrel Racing 03/25/2018$ 61.00
RAYLENE COX15.9283 Barrel Race - Senior Qualifier IncentiveRevolution Barrel Racing 03/25/2018$ 0.00
RAYLENE COX15.9273 Barrel Race - Open 5D Warm Up RaceRevolution Barrel Racing 03/25/2018$ 328.00