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Born: 05-06-2004     Owner: ABBY SANDERSON

Total prize collected: $ 43.00 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
GREYSON SANDERSON52.2176 Barrel Race - PeeweeWednesday Jackpot 12/13/2023$ 0.00
GREYSON SANDERSON29.48212 Barrel Race - Peewee SAT2024 POWERHOUSE BIG MONEY RUN 11/03/2024$ 5.00
GREYSON SANDERSON60.9178 Barrel Race - Peewee SATReflections Race #3 10/15/2023$ 5.00
GREYSON SANDERSON99.99919 Barrel Race - Peewee FRI2024 POWERHOUSE BIG MONEY RUN 11/03/2024$ 0.00
GREYSON SANDERSON62.30916 Barrel Race - Peewee SATReflections Race 08/27/2023$ 5.00
GREYSON SANDERSON35.7343 Barrel Race - Peewee Reflections Weeknight Jackpots 10/02/2024$ 15.00
GREYSON SANDERSON68.9315 Barrel Race - Beginners SATGrit & Glam $1000 Series #5 & #6 08/20/2023$ 1.00
GREYSON SANDERSON40.6767 Barrel Race - Peewee FRICentral States Classic Race #5 06/29/2024$ 5.00
GREYSON SANDERSON45.54611 Barrel Race - Peewee FRIICRP $5000 The Break Out 03/19/2023$ 1.00
GREYSON SANDERSON64.44414 Barrel Race - Peewee FRIICRP $7500 The Break Out 2024 03/17/2024$ 1.00
GREYSON SANDERSON59.3211 Barrel Race - PeeweeNFR Size Jackpot 01/06/2024$ 5.00