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TOAST TO BABES   Suggest Change

Born: 02-25-2009     Sire: TOAST TO DASH     Mother: RED NECK BABE    Owner: CIRCLE C CATTLE CO    Breeder: KATHLEEN AND STEVE BILLINGS

Total prize collected: $ 176.00 Just prized runs

Filter by year:

Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
ALI TOMLIN15.501412 Barrel Race - Combined OpenBRWF Barrel Race 2023 06/18/2023$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN15.4783 Barrel Race - SUN OE BonusBRWF Barrel Race 2023 06/18/2023$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN15.50190 Barrel Race - SAT OpenBRWF Barrel Race 2023 06/18/2023$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN99.999283 Barrel Race - FRI OpenBRWF Barrel Race 2023 06/18/2023$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN15.47647 Barrel Race - Combined BonusBRWF Barrel Race 2023 06/18/2023$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN99.9991210 Barrel Race - Combined OpenBRWF Barrel Race 2023 06/18/2023$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN915.5960 Barrel Race - Open 5D SATGrit & Glam $1000 Series #1 & #2 05/21/2023$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN99.99975 Barrel Race - Open 4D SUNDias del Dinero 10/30/2022$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN99.999251 Barrel Race - Open 4D MondayBarrel Bash Carthage 2022 05/30/2022$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN99.999297 Barrel Race - Open 4D SundayBarrel Bash Carthage 2022 05/30/2022$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN15.44864 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayBarrel Bash Carthage 2022 05/30/2022$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN15.0375 Barrel Race - Open 5DRun for Adilynn 05/07/2022$ 148.00
ALI TOMLIN15.06517 Barrel Race - Open 4D FridayBarrel Bash Carthage 01/02/2022$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN15.14332 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayBarrel Bash Carthage 01/02/2022$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN15.1881 Barrel Race - Open 4DJ&B Race Fun Show 10/10/2021$ 28.00
ALI TOMLIN99.999311 Barrel Race - Open 4D SundayCarnival of Cans 2021 09/12/2021$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN15.161834 Barrel Race - Combined BonusBonus Race World Finals 2021 07/11/2021$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN99.9991246 Barrel Race - Combined OpenBonus Race World Finals 2021 07/11/2021$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN99.999244 Barrel Race - THU Open AMBonus Race World Finals 2021 07/11/2021$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN15.161139 Barrel Race - WED Bonus PMBonus Race World Finals 2021 07/11/2021$ 0.00
ALI TOMLIN99.1357 Barrel Race - Open 4DReazin Ranch 2020 Series #1 & 2 10/25/2020$ 0.00