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AINT SHE A SLICK ONE   Suggest Change

Born: 03-23-2015     Owner: CAMERON AND EMILY SCHONEBERG

Total prize collected: $ 198.00 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
EMILY SCHONEBERG16.49225 Barrel Race - THU OE BonusBRWF Barrel Race 2023 06/18/2023$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG17.3770 Barrel Race - Combined OpenBonus Race World Finals 2020 06/28/2020$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG16.229162 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayBarrel Bash Hutchinson 03/21/2021$ 138.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG17.886149 Barrel Race - TUE OE BonusBRWF Barrel Race 2023 06/18/2023$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG17.43850 Barrel Race - Open 4DBeat The Heat Summer Series - Race #3 06/16/2020$ 60.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG19.67829 Barrel Race - Open 4DNBHA KS 10 2023 Race #11 08/13/2023$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG16.24290 Barrel Race - Open 4D FridayBarrel Bash Hutchinson 03/21/2021$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG18.0480 Barrel Race - Qualifying Race 12021 BBR World Finals 04/23/2021$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG19.097238 Barrel Race - FRI Open AMBonus Race World Finals 2020 06/28/2020$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG17.886436 Barrel Race - Combined UltimateBRWF Barrel Race 2023 06/18/2023$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG16.01849 Barrel Race - Open 4D Session #2$1000 Added B&B Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/06/2020$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG19.881227 Barrel Race - Open 4D SundayBarrel Bash Guthrie 04/11/2021$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG17.377131 Barrel Race - THU Open AMBonus Race World Finals 2020 06/28/2020$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG16.49414 Barrel Race - Combined UltimateBRWF Barrel Race 2023 06/18/2023$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG18.379149 Barrel Race - Open 4D Session #1$1000 Added B&B Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/06/2020$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG18.941273 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayBarrel Bash Guthrie 04/11/2021$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG18.352138 Barrel Race - Open 4D #1$1000 Added Mock NFR Barrel Race 12/07/2019$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG17.8861280 Barrel Race - Combined BonusBRWF Barrel Race 2023 06/18/2023$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG17.32417 Barrel Race - Open 4DShed Away Winter 2020 - Race #5 08/25/2020$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG18.802124 Barrel Race - Open 4D FridayBarrel Bash Guthrie 04/11/2021$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG16.491174 Barrel Race - Combined BonusBRWF Barrel Race 2023 06/18/2023$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG19.0970 Barrel Race - Combined OpenBonus Race World Finals 2020 06/28/2020$ 0.00
EMILY SCHONEBERG17.294142 Barrel Race - Open 4D SundayBarrel Bash Hutchinson 03/21/2021$ 0.00