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HARLEY   Suggest Change

Born: 02-03-2003     Owner: KENSI O’NEAL

Total prize collected: $ 0.00

Filter by year:

Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
KENSI O NEAL22.6991 Poles - OpenRock The Clock Series - Race #6 11/26/2019$ 0.00
OLIVIA LUNOW21.03919 Barrel Race - NoviceLBR 2022 - Race #5 Muskogee RUC $500 added 07/17/2022$ 0.00
KENSI O NEAL915.9740 Barrel Race - Youth 3DRock The Clock Series - Race #6 11/26/2019$ 0.00
KENSI O NEAL915.9740 Barrel Race - Open 4DRock The Clock Series - Race #6 11/26/2019$ 0.00