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STOLI MY RIDE   Suggest Change

Born: 02-14-2013     Sire: STOLI     Mother: JT JOY RIDE    Owner: x

Total prize collected: $ 4,765.85 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
RIEANNE TALLENT15.58325 Barrel Race - Futurity Go 2Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/05/2017$ 0.00
RIEANNE TALLENT31.18120 Barrel Race - Futuriy FinalBarrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/05/2017$ 3,433.00
RIEANNE TALLENT15.0117 Barrel Race - Open 5DDiamonds & Dirt Barrel Horse Classic 03/11/2018$ 1,085.85
RIEANNE TALLENT20.60271 Barrel Race - Derby Go 2Diamonds & Dirt Barrel Horse Classic 03/11/2018$ 0.00
RIEANNE TALLENT15.50333 Barrel Race - Derby Go 1Diamonds & Dirt Barrel Horse Classic 03/11/2018$ 0.00
RIEANNE TALLENT15.16899 Barrel Race - Open 4D FridayKinder Cup 02/02/2018$ 0.00
RIEANNE TALLENT14.9330 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayKinder Cup 02/02/2018$ 247.00
RIEANNE TALLENT14.75131 Barrel Race - Open 4D SundayKinder Cup 02/02/2018$ 0.00
RIEANNE TALLENT15.16827 Barrel Race - DerbyKinder Cup 02/02/2018$ 0.00
LINDSAY STOCK15.0710 Barrel Race - Buy Back ResultsThe American 02/23/2020$ 0.00