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Born: 04-02-2019     Owner: JAMIE LEWIS

Total prize collected: $ 54.00 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
JAMIE R LEWIS921.8610 Barrel Race - Rookie 4DReflections Weeknight Jackpots 10/02/2024$ 0.00
JAMIE R LEWIS99.9993 Poles - Poles 3DReflections Weeknight Jackpots 10/02/2024$ 0.00
JOSIE ESTES99.99920 Poles - Open 3DICRP $6100 Prom Night/H. Stakes/Hallie Legacy Week 09/22/2024$ 0.00
JOSIE ESTES16.74143 Barrel Race - Open 5D SUNICRP $6100 Prom Night/H. Stakes/Hallie Legacy Week 09/22/2024$ 0.00
JOSIE ESTES17.237166 Barrel Race - Open 5D SAT ICRP $6100 Prom Night/H. Stakes/Hallie Legacy Week 09/22/2024$ 0.00
JOSIE ESTES17.4341 Barrel Race - Open 5DICRP $500 Screaming Eagle Buckle Series #2 08/09/2024$ 0.00
JOSIE ESTES24.62111 Poles - Open 3DICRP NBHA District Duel $2500 Added Barrel Race 05/05/2024$ 32.00
JOSIE ESTES16.40212 Barrel Race - Youth 3D SATICRP NBHA District Duel $2500 Added Barrel Race 05/05/2024$ 0.00
JOSIE ESTES27.42515 Poles - Open 3DICRP The Perfect Pairing $7500 Added Barrel Race 04/07/2024$ 0.00
JOSIE ESTES17.54732 Barrel Race - Youth 3D SUNICRP The Perfect Pairing $7500 Added Barrel Race 04/07/2024$ 22.00
JAMIE R LEWIS32.11426 Poles - Open 3D ICRP Grit and Glam 2024 #1 03/23/2024$ 0.00
JAMIE R LEWIS99.99945 Barrel Race - Adult 3DICRP Grit and Glam 2024 #1 03/23/2024$ 0.00