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Born: 01-01-2014     Owner: KAYDEN PARIS

Total prize collected: $ 216.00 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
KAYDEN PARIS99.99916 Poles - Open 2D$how Me The Money Spring Fling 04/22/2023$ 0.00
KAYDEN PARIS17.18557 Barrel Race - Open 4D$how Me The Money Spring Fling 04/22/2023$ 161.00
KAYDEN PARIS17.18512 Barrel Race - Youth 4D$how Me The Money Spring Fling 04/22/2023$ 55.00
KAYDEN PARIS16.76243 Barrel Race - Youth 4D$5000 Added Garry Ferguson Memorial Barrel Race 10/15/2022$ 0.00
KAYDEN PARIS16.762143 Barrel Race - Open 5D$5000 Added Garry Ferguson Memorial Barrel Race 10/15/2022$ 0.00