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PEANUT LINDLEY   Suggest Change

Born: 06-20-2022     Owner: PEIGHTON LINDLEY

Total prize collected: $ 386.00 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
PEIGHTON LINDLEY23.2481 Barrel Race - PeeweeBeat the Heat Series Race #3 09/01/2024$ 0.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY25.6082 Barrel Race - PeeweeBeat the Heat Series Race #2 08/16/2024$ 0.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY23.33 Barrel Race - Peewee 3D2024 Summer Sizzle (BUCKLES) 07/12/2024$ 24.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY23.0742 Barrel Race - PeeweeDean Horton Birthday & LBR #1 01/20/2024$ 14.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY920.2930 Barrel Race - Peewee 3D SUNLBR 2023 Finals 12/03/2023$ 0.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY20.8117 Barrel Race - Peewee 3D SATLBR 2023 Finals 12/03/2023$ 30.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY18.296 Barrel Race - Peewee 3DLBR 2023 Race #10 10/29/2023$ 35.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY23.09510 Barrel Race - Peewee 3D SUNLBR 2023 Race #8-9 09/04/2023$ 42.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY23.95814 Barrel Race - Peewee 3D MONLBR 2023 Race #8-9 09/04/2023$ 37.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY25.68 Barrel Race - Peewee 3DLBR 2023 Race #7 07/09/2023$ 48.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY24.3077 Barrel Race - Peewee 3DLBR 2023 Race #6 06/25/2023$ 22.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY23.7972 Barrel Race - Peewee 3DLBR 2023 MM 03/19/2023$ 22.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY31.5746 Barrel Race - Peewee 3D SUNLBR 2023 Race #2-3 03/12/2023$ 20.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY31.8995 Barrel Race - Peewee 3D SATLBR 2023 Race #2-3 03/12/2023$ 22.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY99.99915 Barrel Race - Peewee 3DLBR 2023 Race #1 02/19/2023$ 0.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY33.0977 Barrel Race - PeeweeMonday Madness 2023 Race #3 02/06/2023$ 25.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY40.6517 Barrel Race - PeeweeMonday Madness 2023 Race #2 01/23/2023$ 45.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY43.0146 Barrel Race - PeeweeMonday Madness 2023 Race #1 01/09/2023$ 0.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY99.99911 Barrel Race - Peewee 3D SUNLBR 2022 FINALS - $2500 added 12/04/2022$ 0.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY99.99911 Barrel Race - Peewee 3D SATLBR 2022 FINALS - $2500 added 12/04/2022$ 0.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY99.9996 Barrel Race - Peewee 3D FRILBR 2022 FINALS - $2500 added 12/04/2022$ 0.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY20.65511 Barrel Race - Peewee 3DWeekly Friday Night 4D #1 11/11/2022$ 0.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY99.9999 Barrel Race - Peewee 3DLBR 2022- Race #9 - Cutters Corner 10/30/2022$ 0.00
PEIGHTON LINDLEY99.99913 Barrel Race - Peewee 3DLBR 2022 Race #8 - Collinsville 10/09/2022$ 0.00