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A FROSTED TREAT   Suggest Change

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Total prize collected: $ 37.00 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
CARLOS RENATO99.99358 Barrel Race - Derby Go 2Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/07/2015$ 0.00
CARLOS RENATO99.999358 Barrel Race - Futurity Go 2Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/07/2015$ 0.00
CARLOS RENATO99.999356 Barrel Race - Futurity Go 1Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/07/2015$ 0.00
RONDA LUNSFORD17.151137 Barrel Race - Senior Side Pot - Go 22018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
RONDA LUNSFORD17.658193 Barrel Race - Senior Side Pot - Go 12018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 37.00
RONDA LUNSFORD17.151933 Barrel Race - Finals Qualifier Go 22018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
RONDA LUNSFORD17.6581150 Barrel Race - Finals Qualifier Go 12018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
RONDA LUNSFORD99.999403 Barrel Race - Gold Card Race2018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
RONDA LUNSFORD17.151465 Barrel Race - AQHA Open - Go 22018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
RONDA LUNSFORD17.658549 Barrel Race - AQHA Open - Go 12018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00