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Born: 05-18-2012     Sire: LIONS SHARE OF FAME     Mother: BUGS TINY REED    Owner: x

Total prize collected: $ 800.36 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
KEN ENGLISH15.61174 Barrel Race - Open 4D FridayKinder Cup 02/02/2018$ 0.00
KEN ENGLISH16.312139 Barrel Race - Futurity Go 1Barrel Futurities of America World Finals 12/05/2016$ 0.00
KEN ENGLISH16.52340 Barrel Race - Open 5D FridayDinosaur Classic 01/25/2018$ 51.36
KEN ENGLISH16.496467 Barrel Race - Open 5D Barrel Race Go 22017 BBR World Finals 04/30/2017$ 0.00
KEN ENGLISH16.24955 Barrel Race - Open 4D FridayBBR New Years Celebration 12/29/2017$ 0.00
KEN ENGLISH16.936849 Barrel Race - Race 2 (Barn 6)Better Barrel Races World Finals 04/21/2016$ 0.00
KEN ENGLISH16.296379 Barrel Race - Open 5D Barrel Race Go 12017 BBR World Finals 04/30/2017$ 643.00
KEN ENGLISH34.494162 Barrel Race - Juvenile AverageBarrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/07/2015$ 0.00
KEN ENGLISH17.1471038 Barrel Race - Race 1 (Coliseum)Better Barrel Races World Finals 04/21/2016$ 0.00
KEN ENGLISH18.108251 Barrel Race - Juvenile Go 2Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/07/2015$ 0.00
KEN ENGLISH15.5186 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayKinder Cup 02/02/2018$ 0.00
KEN ENGLISH16.386117 Barrel Race - Juvenile Go 1Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/07/2015$ 0.00
KEN ENGLISH15.535151 Barrel Race - Open 4D SundayKinder Cup 02/02/2018$ 0.00
KEN ENGLISH21.588247 Barrel Race - Futurity Go 2Barrel Futurities of America World Finals 12/05/2016$ 0.00
PAULA STAMPS99.9991280 Barrel Race - Finals Qualifier Go 22018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
PAULA STAMPS99.9991745 Barrel Race - Finals Qualifier Go 12018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
PAULA STAMPS17.646257 Barrel Race - Gold Card Race2018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 106.00
PAULA STAMPS99.999626 Barrel Race - AQHA Open - Go 22018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
PAULA STAMPS99.999561 Barrel Race - Adult Side Pot - Go 22018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
PAULA STAMPS99.999562 Barrel Race - Adult Side Pot - Go 12018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00