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Horse Profile

XN BUNNY MONEY   Suggest Change

Born: 04-04-2010     Sire: FAMOUS GOLD COIN     Mother: BANDITS BEST GAL    Owner: x

Total prize collected: $ 1,009.00 Just prized runs

Filter by year:

Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
KAY YOUNG16.10436 Barrel Race - Juvenile Go 1Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/04/2013$ 0.00
KAY YOUNG16.44621 Barrel Race - Super Stakes Slot RaceBarrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/04/2013$ 0.00
PEYTON GLENN16.00253 Barrel Race - Derby Go 1Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/07/2015$ 0.00
PEYTON BROCK-GLENN16.09952 Barrel Race - Derby Go 2Barrel Futurities of America World Finals 12/05/2016$ 0.00
PEYTON BROCK-GLENN16.18170 Barrel Race - Derby Go 1Barrel Futurities of America World Finals 12/05/2016$ 0.00
PEYTON GLENN15.53914 Barrel Race - Race 1 (Coliseum)Better Barrel Races World Finals 04/21/2016$ 1,009.00
PEYTON GLENN15.76449 Barrel Race - Race 2 (Barn 6)Better Barrel Races World Finals 04/21/2016$ 0.00