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GRACIE   Suggest Change

Born: 03-21-2018     Sire: BARNEY OWENS     Mother: MARE BY WHISKAWAY    Owner: x

Total prize collected: $ 979.00 Just prized runs

Filter by year:

Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
BAYLEE OLEARY14.402139 Barrel Race - Combined BonusBonus Race World Finals 2021 07/11/2021$ 0.00
BAYLEE OLEARY14.40219 Barrel Race - WED Bonus PMBonus Race World Finals 2021 07/11/2021$ 88.00
JESSICA JOHNSTON99.999556 Barrel Race - Adult Side Pot - Go 12018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
JESSICA JOHNSTON99.99930 Barrel Race - 3D Shootout2018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
JESSICA JOHNSTON16.229321 Barrel Race - Finals Qualifier Go 22018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
JESSICA JOHNSTON99.9991645 Barrel Race - Finals Qualifier Go 12018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
JESSICA JOHNSTON16.229108 Barrel Race - Adult Side Pot - Go 22018 BBR World Finals 04/29/2018$ 0.00
HAYLIE POULIN16.30236 Barrel Race - Young Guns FinalThe Patriot Barrel Race 02/22/2018$ 304.00
HAYLIE POULIN16.123326 Barrel Race - Open QualifierThe Patriot Barrel Race 02/22/2018$ 0.00
HAYLIE POULIN15.94515 Barrel Race - Shootout 3DThe Patriot Barrel Race 02/22/2018$ 0.00
JESSICA JOHNSTON16.399385 Barrel Race - Open 5D Barrel Race Go 22017 BBR World Finals 04/30/2017$ 587.00
JESSICA JOHNSTON16.227324 Barrel Race - Open 5D Barrel Race Go 12017 BBR World Finals 04/30/2017$ 0.00
APRIL GUNTER99.9979 Barrel Race - Open 4DHilltop Buckle Series Monday Nights 01/09/2017$ 0.00
BO HILL17.199192 Barrel Race - Juvenile Go 2Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/05/2012$ 0.00
CLAIRE POWELL16.17249 Barrel Race - Open 4D Go 1Barrel Futurites of America World Finals 12/06/2011$ 0.00