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THE REAL SLIM SADIE   Suggest Change

Born: 01-01-2010     Owner: SIERRA BAKER

Total prize collected: $ 774.29 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
SIERRA BAKER16.5020 Barrel Race - Sunday OpenLucky Dog 03/04/2022$ 50.34
SIERRA BAKER14.8110 Barrel Race - Saturday OpenLucky Dog 03/04/2022$ 168.23
SIERRA BAKER16.5020 Barrel Race - Saturday YouthLucky Dog 03/04/2022$ 62.64
SIERRA BAKER14.8110 Barrel Race - Saturday YouthLucky Dog 03/04/2022$ 190.08
SIERRA BAKER15.0948 Barrel Race - The AmericanBarrel Bash Gifford 11/01/2020$ 0.00
SIERRA BAKER15.0944 Barrel Race - Youth 3D SaturdayBarrel Bash Gifford 11/01/2020$ 162.00
SIERRA BAKER15.26917 Barrel Race - Open 4D FridayBarrel Bash Gifford 11/01/2020$ 0.00
SIERRA BAKER15.2694 Barrel Race - Youth 3D FridayBarrel Bash Gifford 11/01/2020$ 141.00
SIERRA BAKER15.09425 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayBarrel Bash Gifford 11/01/2020$ 0.00