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Born: 04-07-2011     Owner: SIDNEY SPANEL

Total prize collected: $ 239.00 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
SIDNEY SPANEL15.39834 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayBarrel Bash Carthage 01/02/2021$ 239.00
SIDNEY SPANEL15.3989 Barrel Race - Youth 3D SaturdayBarrel Bash Carthage 01/02/2021$ 0.00
SIDNEY SPANEL16.0983 Barrel Race - Youth 4D SUNRun In the Year 01/09/2022$ 0.00
SIDNEY SPANEL16.0989 Barrel Race - Open 4D SUNRun In the Year 01/09/2022$ 0.00
SIDNEY SPANEL17.5332 Barrel Race - Open 4DKetchum Over n Under Qualifier 08/13/2022$ 0.00
SIDNEY SPANEL17.5319 Barrel Race - Over n Under QualifierKetchum Over n Under Qualifier 08/13/2022$ 0.00
REBECCA SPANEL99.999103 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayRacin for Cash 2023/2024 #1 10/15/2023$ 0.00
SIDNEY SPANEL99.999134 Barrel Race - Open 4D SATRun In the Year 01/09/2022$ 0.00
SIDNEY SPANEL99.99942 Barrel Race - Youth 4D SATRun In the Year 01/09/2022$ 0.00
SIDNEY SPANEL99.999235 Barrel Race - Open 5D Friday7th Annual BBB 08/07/2022$ 0.00
SIDNEY SPANEL99.99952 Barrel Race - Youth 4D Friday7th Annual BBB 08/07/2022$ 0.00
SIDNEY SPANEL99.999227 Barrel Race - Open 4D FridayBarrel Bash Carthage 01/02/2021$ 0.00
SIDNEY SPANEL916.0660 Barrel Race - Open SAT 4DBarrel BurnN & FAB Productions $2500 added weekend 12/06/2020$ 0.00