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FANNIN THE BREEZE   Suggest Change

Born: 05-13-2006     Sire: BREEZE TEASE BAR     Mother: SALLY SAND FAN    Owner: CAROL FOSTER    Breeder: GENE &/ BECKY PINT

Total prize collected: $ 1,522.69 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
KIMBRA FOSTER99.999185 Barrel Race - Open 5D SUNOK NBHA State Finals WEEKEND 11/30/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER99.999215 Barrel Race - Open 5D SATOK NBHA State Finals WEEKEND 11/30/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER15.55239 Barrel Race - Open Finals 5DICRP $10,000 added Dueling Dragons 10/29/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER15.64462 Barrel Race - Open 4D SATICRP $10,000 added Dueling Dragons 10/29/2023$ 376.00
KIMBRA FOSTER99.999115 Barrel Race - Open 4D FRIICRP $10,000 added Dueling Dragons 10/29/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.5914 Barrel Race - Super Youth$10,000 Added Jimmy Oglesby Memorial 10/14/2023$ 128.67
KIMBRA FOSTER16.591157 Barrel Race - Open 4D SAT$10,000 Added Jimmy Oglesby Memorial 10/14/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER15.34675 Barrel Race - Open 5D SUN8th Annual BBB 08/06/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER14.89611 Barrel Race - Open 5D SAT8th Annual BBB 08/06/2023$ 251.00
KIMBRA FOSTER14.8961 Barrel Race - Peewee SLOT8th Annual BBB 08/06/2023$ 357.00
KIMBRA FOSTER15.2628 Barrel Race - Open 5D FRI8th Annual BBB 08/06/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.00227 Barrel Race - Open FRIEquinety Summer Sizzle 07/16/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER15.80137 Barrel Race - Open SATEquinety Summer Sizzle 07/16/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER99.999214 Barrel Race - Open 4D FRIBarrel Bash Carthage 2023 #1 05/28/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER99.99948 Barrel Race - Youth 3D FRIBarrel Bash Carthage 2023 #1 05/28/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER99.999213 Barrel Race - Open 4D SUNBarrel Bash Carthage 2023 #1 05/28/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER99.99947 Barrel Race - Youth 3D SUNBarrel Bash Carthage 2023 #1 05/28/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.754179 Barrel Race - Open 4D SATBarrel Bash Carthage 2023 #1 05/28/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.75427 Barrel Race - Youth 3D SATBarrel Bash Carthage 2023 #1 05/28/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER99.99986 Barrel Race - Open 5DShelbey Hansford Benefit Race $1000 added 05/14/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.90251 Barrel Race - Open 4DJeannette Robison Benefit Barrel Race 01/21/2023$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.9022 Barrel Race - Youth 3DJeannette Robison Benefit Barrel Race 01/21/2023$ 73.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.96138 Barrel Race - Open 4DOK NBHA 05 Finals 11/12/2022$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.138110 Barrel Race - Open 4D SAT$4000 Added The Toughest Sunflower Memorial Race 10/16/2022$ 60.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.33336 Barrel Race - Open 4D SAT SIDEPOT - MUST ENTER C4DOK NBHA 05 Summer Sizzle/Co-Sanctioned C4D 07/09/2022$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.02825 Barrel Race - Open 4D FRIOK NBHA 05 Summer Sizzle/Co-Sanctioned C4D 07/09/2022$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER999.990 Barrel Race - Youth 4D SATRacing Rebels Race 04/17/2022$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER915.4220 Barrel Race - Open 4D SUNRacing Rebels Race 04/17/2022$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER915.4220 Barrel Race - Youth 4D SUNRacing Rebels Race 04/17/2022$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER999.990 Barrel Race - Open 4D SATRacing Rebels Race 04/17/2022$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.611106 Barrel Race - Open 4D SundayBarrel Bash Hutchinson 2022 03/20/2022$ 67.50
KIMBRA FOSTER16.546129 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayBarrel Bash Hutchinson 2022 03/20/2022$ 90.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.91411 Barrel Race - 3D Youth SundayFAB Spring Classic 03/13/2022$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER917.3980 Barrel Race - 3D Youth SaturdayFAB Spring Classic 03/13/2022$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.773 Barrel Race - Youth 3D SUNLBR 2021 Finals - Riverbend 12/05/2021$ 54.00
KIMBRA FOSTER18.539 Barrel Race - Open 4DHardtner Rodeo Weekend Barrel Jackpot 07/21/2021$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER17.39444 Barrel Race - Youth 3D SaturdayBarrel Bash Pawhuska 11/29/2020$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER17.13425 Barrel Race - Youth 3D FridayBarrel Bash Pawhuska 11/29/2020$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER17.4223 Barrel Race - Youth 3D SundayBarrel Bash Broken Bow 10/11/2020$ 65.52
KIMBRA FOSTER999.990 Barrel Race - Youth 3D SaturdayBarrel Bash Broken Bow 10/11/2020$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER16.02323 Barrel Race - 3D Youth Saturday2020 FAB Tour - Race #2 10/04/2020$ 0.00
KIMBRA FOSTER17.7349 Barrel Race - 3D Youth Friday2020 FAB Tour - Race #2 10/04/2020$ 0.00