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BAR B FRENCH BLISS   Suggest Change

Born: 07-01-2014     Owner: JENI KINNEY

Total prize collected: $ 760.00 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
JENI KINNEY16.10184 Barrel Race - Open 4D Sunday$5,290 ADDED Racin For Cash Race #6 03/02/2025$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY15.80553 Barrel Race - Open 4D Saturday$5,290 ADDED Racin For Cash Race #6 03/02/2025$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY16.54259 Barrel Race - Open 4D SundayRacin for Cash Race #5 02/02/2025$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY16.32370 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayRacin for Cash Race #5 02/02/2025$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY15.76781 Barrel Race - Short Go 2024 POWERHOUSE BIG MONEY RUN 11/03/2024$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY15.54395 Barrel Race - Open GO2 SAT2024 POWERHOUSE BIG MONEY RUN 11/03/2024$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY91.6866223 Barrel Race - Open GO 1 FRI2024 POWERHOUSE BIG MONEY RUN 11/03/2024$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY916.5330 Barrel Race - Open 5D SUNCarnival of Cans 2024 09/08/2024$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY16.907217 Barrel Race - Open 5D SATCarnival of Cans 2024 09/08/2024$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY917.5980 Barrel Race - Open 5D FRICarnival of Cans 2024 09/08/2024$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY16.05427 Barrel Race - Open 4DRockin A Buckle Series 2023/2024 #7 03/16/2024$ 135.00
JENI KINNEY999.9990 Barrel Race - Open 4D SUNTurkey Trot Barrel Race 2023 11/26/2023$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY15.91197 Barrel Race - Open 4D SATTurkey Trot Barrel Race 2023 11/26/2023$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY16.16280 Barrel Race - Open 4D FRITurkey Trot Barrel Race 2023 11/26/2023$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY99.999224 Barrel Race - Open 4D FRICarnival of Cans 2022 09/11/2022$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY16.056162 Barrel Race - Open 4D SUNCarnival of Cans 2022 09/11/2022$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY16.076189 Barrel Race - Open 4D SATCarnival of Cans 2022 09/11/2022$ 203.00
JENI KINNEY16.57631 Barrel Race - Open SUNSMTM Spring Series Race #2 05/22/2022$ 19.00
JENI KINNEY16.695 Barrel Race - Second Run Barn 6MGRA BBR Finals 04/24/2022$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY17.1059 Barrel Race - First Run ColiseumMGRA BBR Finals 04/24/2022$ 150.00
JENI KINNEY33.7953 Barrel Race - Average Both RunsMGRA BBR Finals 04/24/2022$ 94.00
JENI KINNEY16.27423 Barrel Race - Open 4D BarrelsWacky Hats 🎩 04/09/2022$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY916.5180 Barrel Race - Adult 3D BarrelsWacky Hats 🎩 04/09/2022$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY16.09727 Barrel Race - Open 4D BarrelsRunning for a Pot of Gold 03/26/2022$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY15.94317 Barrel Race - Adult 3D BarrelsRunning for a Pot of Gold 03/26/2022$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY15.97634 Barrel Race - Open 4DRunning on Love 02/19/2022$ 39.00
JENI KINNEY16.11722 Barrel Race - Adult 3DRunning on Love 02/19/2022$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY16.9947 Barrel Race - Open 4D Sunday$500 Added Racin For Cash #5 02/13/2022$ 120.00
JENI KINNEY17.5485 Barrel Race - Open 4D Saturday$500 Added Racin For Cash #5 02/13/2022$ 0.00
JENI KINNEY999.9990 Barrel Race - Open 4D SaturdayBarrel Bash Carthage 05/25/2020$ 0.00