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Born: 01-01-2000     Owner: LISA WILLIS

Total prize collected: $ 42.00 Just prized runs

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Rider Time Pos CategoryEvent DateEarnings
HOLDEN WILLIS17.34710 Barrel Race - Youth 3DRock The Clock Falls - Race #4 11/06/2018$ 18.00
JAYNE MEIER99.993 Poles - Poles 13-17Cutters Corner Arena Playday 08/18/2024$ 0.00
JAYNE MEIER30.7873 Barrel Race - Fun Event 13-17Cutters Corner Arena Playday 08/18/2024$ 0.00
JAYNE MEIER17.0783 Barrel Race - Flags 13-17Cutters Corner Arena Playday 08/18/2024$ 0.00
JAYNE MEIER31.9521 Barrel Race - Barrels 13-17Cutters Corner Arena Playday 08/18/2024$ 0.00
MORGAN STROPE16.3074 Barrel Race - Youth 3D BarrelsRunning for a Pot of Gold 03/26/2022$ 24.00
SHANTELL WILLIS17.38320 Barrel Race - Youth 3DRun Away Winter 2021 - Race #1 02/02/2021$ 0.00
SHANTELL WILLIS18.8424 Barrel Race - Youth 3DRock The Clock Series - Race #3 10/08/2019$ 0.00